About Marian College
Mō tātou - Māutonga
Marian College is a Catholic state integrated school for girls with a maximum roll of 430 students, that combines high academic standards and a progressive approach to modern education. There is a genuine commitment to the values inherent in the traditions of the religious orders of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and the Sisters of Mercy.
Preference for enrolment is given to Catholic girls and some places may be available for non-Catholic students.
Marian College is fortunate in being able to remain small with a friendly, family atmosphere which comes from teachers and students knowing each other well. Every student at Marian is nurtured and her skills and talents fostered. Students have every opportunity to contribute through participation, service and leadership.
Our school culture is based on traditional values and expectations and Marian is also focused on supporting future-oriented teaching and learning. Marian College is committed to preparing students with the skills they need for the real world environment. Marian uses information technology for blended inquiry based learning and we use google applications extensively.
Marian girls are involved with service to the community. Staff strive to create a positive climate, which is conducive to effective learning with the development of personal responsibility, using collaboration, problem solving and encouraging students to be critical thinkers.
College Life
Offering a rich co-curricular programme
The cultural opportunities are especially varied with a wide variety of instrumental music, in addition to choir, debating, public speaking and theatre sports. Our Kapa Haka group is an integral part of the life of the college, as is the Pasifika group.
Marian has a rich sporting tradition with a wide range of activities being available, including team sports such as netball, football, hockey and basketball.
Curriculum today carries our girls far and wide into the community and involves groups and speakers visiting the school. All students are expected to do service within their community.
A number of committees exist within the school which reflect student interest and enthusiasms. These include the environment, health, magazine, sports and house committees and the student trustee council. Many student-led activities are planned by these committees.
A number of students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award programme.
Outdoor education is a feature of our programmes in the junior school. The aims include acquiring social skills, gaining knowledge, building confidence, increasing understanding and developing basic skills.
It is a challenging programme that adds a dimension to the full educational experiences that cannot be found in a city situation. Marian girls rise to the challenge with enthusiasm and determination, and a strong close spirit is maintained.
Community of Learning
Te Mara Akoranga Katorika Kāhui Ako
Marian College is one of 15 Catholic schools in Christchurch belonging to Christchurch Catholic Kāhui Ako - Te Mara Akoranga Katorika.
Our Kāhui Ako (community of learning) focus is student achievement and faith development through a strong educational pathway.
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052